
Exploring Home Health Care Benefits

Recovering From Pneumonia At Your Advanced Age: How Home Care Can Benefit You

Pneumonia is very debilitating for the very young an the very old, mainly due to the weakened immune systems people of these ages often have. It's the fifth leading cause of death in the elderly, and can cause a person's body to become very weak and lose a lot of muscle mass. If you are recovering from pneumonia in your advanced age, having a home health care aide to assist you can be beneficial in many ways. Here are just a few of them:

Light house cleaning

You are weakened from the illness and unable to move around a lot, nor are you recommended to or expected to. This means you should be resting as you recover so you can have the best outcome from your bout with pneumonia. A home health aide will not only look after you to ensure you are healing rapidly, they will also do light housekeeping to allow you to keep your home in order. A home health aide can assist with the following:

  • vacuuming
  • dusting
  • dish washing
  • laundry
  • bathroom cleanup

Talk to a home health care facility to see what other services a home health aide can offer, such as errand running or checking your mail. Many home health aide facilities also offer delivered meals or light cooking so you can stay on a healthy meal track until you get well enough to care for yourself.

Medication control

You will likely be put on antibiotics and other medications while you recover from pneumonia to help boost your body's immune system. Your home health aide can not only help remind you to take your medication as prescribed, they can take note of your condition so they can report to your doctor or a head nurse. If any reactions to medications occur or you are not healing as fast as you should, your aide will notice quickly and will alert your doctor so you can get the further care you need.

Hygiene assistance

It's important to maintain healthy hygiene while you recover from a serious illness, mainly to keep your immune system strong. Your home health aide will assist you in bathing, brushing your teeth, and other personal care needs so you can help your body stay strong while you recover from your debilitating illness.

Your home health aide will also be able to take you to and from doctor appointments as needed. Talk to your healthcare provider about finding a home health aide in your area to help you further recover from your bout of pneumonia.

About Me

Exploring Home Health Care Benefits

Hey there, I'm Jesse Sutherland. When I learned that my child would be born with severe disabilities, I worried about how I would perform all of the healthcare procedures on my own. My child needed mucus sucked out of both lungs around the clock at first. Furthermore, bathing and feeding often required two people to complete without messing up all of the tubes and monitors. Luckily, I was able to receive help from a home healthcare professional, which took a lot of pressure off my shoulders. I want to share all of the assistance I received from these professionals. I will also discuss the benefits of having help with difficult procedures. Thank you for visiting.
